Loma Linda University

  • 网络罗马琳达大学;洛马林达大学;洛玛连达大学;琳达大学;罗马林达大学
Loma Linda UniversityLoma Linda University
  1. The Loma Linda University researchers hypothesize that 18 - to 19-hour overnight dietary fasts reboot our metabolisms to help our bodies burn calories efficiently3 .


  2. To continue cataloguing the health benefits of hilarity , scientists at Loma Linda University had volunteers watch a video : either 20 minutes from a funny movie or stand-up routine .


  3. In Southern California , Loma Linda University School of Medicine is offering specialized training for its resident physicians in Lifestyle Medicine — that is a formal specialty in using food to treat disease .


  4. " It 's a different paradigm of how to treat disease , " says Dr. Brenda Rea , who helps run the family and preventive medicine residency program at Loma Linda University School of Medicine .


  5. The US Loma Linda University team believes nuts may help prevent the absorption of cholesterol .


  6. Dr. Lee Berk , of the Loma Linda University School of Public Health , discovered that a group of students who watched a comic video for an hour had marked reductions in epinephrine and cortisol levels .


  7. Both affect the appetite hormones in much the same way , says Lee Berk , DrPH , MPH , director of the molecular research laboratory at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda , Calif.
